Series Evaluation: Blue Bloods By Melissa De La Cruz



Blue Bloods (#1), Masquerade (#2), Revelations (#3), The Van Alen Legacy (#4),  

Misguided Angel (#5),  Lost In Time (#6),  The Gates Of Paradise (#7)

.:Favorite Book:.

After reading Lost In Time I declared it my favorite book. For me the story and the plot were at their height. Secrets were being revealed, the fight was imminent, and it really propelled the series forward and got me excited for the last book. I loved the character development in this book (for Mimi especially). It felt like Melissa De La Cruz was finally in a good flow, writing wise, as plots and characters weaved and intertwined around each other marvelously. If I remember correctly, I also really enjoyed this book because of the relationships between the characters. Everyone seemed to be pairing off and discovering themselves while discovering what they really wanted, which was a beautiful thing to watch, especially the sacrifices. I’m a girl who appreciates a good, meaningful sacrifice.

.:Favorite Character(s):.

Should I just start listing off characters? I think I will. In no particular order: Mimi, Jack, Schuyler, Oliver, Kingsley, Bliss, Lawrence, Dylan, Allegra, Ben…I guess I’ll stop there.

.:Overall Rating:.

I really, really, REALLY enjoyed this series. As a whole, I can only give it an I Loved It rating, but individually some books definitely deserve the What Just Happened. I picked up this series in high school during the Twilight craze and I’m so glad I did. These vampires were like nothing I had ever read before. I was also able to escape into a world of high fashion, the rich and the beautiful beings and things of New York (and Italy, London, Egypt) which is something I’ve never been able to experience in real life that I found highly enjoyable. The vampires lifestyles kept me coming back to this series even more than the fact that they’re vampires.

Of course, once the plot started splitting off in a million directions I knew I was hooked. The series was more engaging because you were following so many different character, each one on such different paths and with different personalities. I really enjoyed this series and wish more people would give it and these vampires a chance.

I loved it. four nerd glasses

2 responses to “Series Evaluation: Blue Bloods By Melissa De La Cruz

  1. I’ll have to check this series out some time. The high fashion Egypt really intrigues me, I tend to love anything Egyptian.

    • They aren’t in Egypt (or one particular place) that long, it’s more of just a stop over (without spoiling the plot) but it was definitely an interesting read. =]

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