This is the start…

I have so many things that I want to say. I’ll start by saying, wow, I really should’ve made a blog sooner! There were just so many choices and how am I to know which ones are safe and which ones will fit my style. If it wasn’t for my ‘Twin’ and one of her contacts I wouldn’t even be on here right now. The second thing I want to say is that this really is the start of something new, and as I type that I think of how cheesy that must sound to all of you High School Musical fans out there. Well I guess if you’re a fan you wouldn’t find it cheesy. Anyways, I was talking about how I feel like everything is new, and it really is. I’m on my new computer, I’m living in a whole new summer, I have a huge birthday coming up, I’ll be going to a new school in the fall, and I really can’t wait to see where this new life will take me.

I really hope that the wordpress community will take me in with open arms, but if you don’t oh well. I’m not making this blog so that people can read it, I’m making it so that I can get whatever I want off my chest and I also just really enjoy writing. I hope to pursue writing as a career and I think this is a good learning curve, to write about anything and everything. Maybe I’ll try to have a new topic every week, who knows. Maybe this week I’ll talk about the  BP disaster and next week I’ll talk about the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter (which I am absolutely dying, dying, DYING, to see by the way), and maybe the week after that I’ll give my review on the Twilight Saga: Eclipse (which i cannot wait to see!). Who knows. Read it or don’t, love me or hate me. Until next time…


Inquiring minds want to know...what do you think?